
Sensory Processing

Overly sensitive or heightened reactivity to sound, touch, or movement
Under-responsive to certain sensations (e.g., high pain tolerance, doesn't notice cuts/bruises)
Constantly moving, jumping, crashing, bumping
Easily distracted by visual or auditory stimuli
Emotionally reactive
Difficulty coping with change
Inability to calm self when upset
Fine Motor Skills

Manipulating toys and puzzles
Holding a pencil
Using silverware or straws at an age-appropriate time
Using scissors
Using zippers, buttons, shoelaces
Coloring, drawing, tracing, prewriting shapes
Poor handwriting, letter/number formation
Not developing a hand dominance at an age-appropriate time
Avoiding tasks and games that require fine motor skills
Body Awareness

Going up and down stairs at an age appropriate time
Coordinating both sides of the body
Understanding the concept of right and left
Poor ball skills
Poor balance
​Their muscle tone, or muscle tension and resistance, could be higher or lower than the appropriate developmental milestone. They might also:
be fearful of feet leaving the ground
doesn't cross midline of his or her body during play and school tasks
avoids tasks and games that require gross motor skills
Visual Processing

Difficulty with the spacing and sizes of letters
Difficulty with recognizing letters
Difficulty with copying shapes or letters
Difficulty with visual tracking and crossing midline
Difficulty finding objects among other objects
Difficulty with copying from the board or another paper
Difficulty with the concept of right and left
Prewriting / Graphomotor Skills

Trouble remembering how to spell words
Trouble recognizing or naming words or letters on a page
Inability to remember how to form letters or words on the paper
Sloppy or illegible handwriting
When writing is legible, it's slow and difficult to create
Awkward pencil grip
Poor spatial planning and/or inconsistent spatial relationship between letters or words
Cramping or pain in the hand when writing
Inability to multitask when writing, such as being unable to listen and write at the same time
Preference for oral delivery over written
Avoidance of writing assignments
ADL / Self help Skills
Be unable to feed themselves independently.
Require more help than others of their age to get dressed or undressed.
Find it difficult to tolerate wearing certain clothes.
Struggle to use cutlery.
Need adults to open food packaging in their lunch box.
Refuse to eat certain foods.
Be unable to coordinate movements to brush teeth.
Require extensive help to fall asleep.
Choose to toilet only at home where there is adult support.
Be late to develop independent day time toileting.
Show limited motivation for independence in self care, waiting for adults to do it for them instead.
Motor Planning Skills
Struggle to identify the steps needed to complete a task, and the correct order to do them in
Frequently bump into things due to a lack of spatial awareness
Fail to hit age-appropriate milestones, like hopping or kicking
Be slow to perform simple tasks
Have issues with handwriting
Struggle to learn new tasks
Struggle with consistency in performance
Appear uncoordinated and clumsy
Have poor hand-eye coordination
Lack timing and rhythm
Core and Upper Body Strength
Slumped or slouched posture
W-sitting position
Frequently changing body positions or difficulty sitting still
Hold their head up with their hand
Poor attention skills
Difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as holding a pencil or doing up buttons
Difficulty with gross motor activities or frequently losing their balance e.g. on a balance beam or riding a bike

1 - Consultation
Book a free 15-minute phone or video consultation to decide which OT services are a good fit for you and your child.

2 - Plan of Action
A therapist is paired to work with your child and gets in touch to collaborate on a holistic plan which takes into account the unique needs of your child.
3 - Implementation
The treatment process begins and therapist, parent, and child start out on the path to creating success and independence in your child's life.